5 Mindset Strategies For Managers That Get Results Now

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Developing A Manager Mindset Is Critical For Your Success

Are you ready to improve your management skills and abilities? If yes, adopt the five mindset strategies for managers that worked for me during my 25 years in managerial roles.

Let’s dive right in.

Mindset Strategies For Managers

I recommend embracing elements from the following five mindset strategies for managers in the workplace.

  1. Confident
  2. Positive
  3. Productive
  4. Creative
  5. Growth

Next, I will unpack these examples of managerial mindset strategies so you will understand where I’m coming from.

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1. Confident Mindset Strategy For Managers

As a manager, you must think and act confidently. Never allow for self-doubt of your intellect, skills, or accomplishments.

You are a manager for a reason. So, do not fall victim to imposter syndrome because a lack of confidence will lead to indecision, low morale, and an inability to lead effectively.

Conversely, confidence leads to sound decision-making, dealing with uncertain situations, and effectively leading your team. Furthermore, confident managers are goal-oriented and are known for their determination. Thus, they always find a way to push through tough situations when others would give up.

Tips To Build A Confident Manager Mindset

  • Stand and sit up straight
  • Hold your chin high
  • Speak clearly and respectfully
  • Look people in the eye
  • Develop a firm handshake
  • Walk with a purpose
  • Act as if you belong
  • Present ideas with conviction
  • Take a position on issues
  • Focus on your accomplishments
  • Give yourself daily pep talks

2. Positive Mindset Strategy For Managers

Managers must have a positive mindset.

First, being upbeat will set the tone for yourself and your entire team. Furthermore, positive thinking promotes a sense of well-being for employees, increased productivity, and a greater sense of pride in the organization. The result is improved work performance and motivation.

On the other hand, negativity undermines the work culture. Negative vibes make it difficult for employees to work together. The result is conflict, lack of trust, and staff turnover.

During my career, I encountered several adverse workplace environments. They were awful, so I chose to worry about what I could control: doing my best to have a positive attitude every day.

Tips To Nurture A Positive Manager Mindset

  • Provide constructive feedback
  • Nip pessimism in the bud
  • Prioritize work-life balance
  • Never complain
  • Do not criticize or condemn
  • Be nice
  • Take an interest in others

For immediate results, when you are having a challenging day, act cheerful, stand tall, and smile. Frequently, your mental state will follow your physical actions.

3. Productive Mindset Strategy For Managers

New managers must be highly productive and get things done. Productivity is the efficiency of your employees and whether or not your team is performing up to their capabilities.

First, your organization hired you to get things done in a management role. However, productivity dramatically differs from when you were an individual contributor. Now, you must achieve through others.

Your team’s productivity and success become yours. And unfortunately, you won’t last long in a management role if you have an unproductive team.

Tips To Improve Your Productivity Manager Mindset

Learn to delegate wisely. I had to rethink my to-do list when I became a manager. I recommend your to-do list shift from a task orientation to one that emphasizes delegation and monitoring your staff’s work.

Seek results, not activity. Activities that do not result in productive accomplishments are time, talent, and energy wasters.

Learn and practice time management strategies.

Focus on outcomes, not processes. Outcome-oriented managers know how to achieve goals.

Let your team perfect the methods. Doing so frees up your time to think strategically and anticipate problems before they arise.

Finally, emphasize employee retention and train, teach, and mentor daily. I always had a rule of thumb that an hour spent teaching and training had a multiplier effect on my productivity in the future.

4. Creative Mindset Strategy For Managers

Managers must think creatively and be innovative.

A creative mindset is a must to enhance productivity, solve problems, and generate new ideas. Creativity is a critical skill managers can learn and harness, leading to innovation and business success.

Conversely, absent creative thinking, people, departments, functions, and businesses fall behind. Change and disruption are constants in today’s workplace, so a creative mindset is essential to adapt, survive, and thrive.

Tips To Improve Your Creativity Manager Mindset

  • Reserve time to think
  • Encourage new ideas from your team
  • Hold brainstorming sessions
  • Act on instincts
  • Read broadly for new ideas
  • Be curious
  • Embrace ambiguity
  • Invest in continuous learning
  • Foster open communication
  • Think of multiple options

Most importantly, take time to adjust your thought processes throughout the workday. Ask yourself why things are as they exist. Then, examine alternative methods to try.

5. Growth Mindset Strategy For Managers

Effective managers have a growth mindset. A growth mindset means believing you and your team can continuously learn and improve.

Some essential elements of thinking this way include learning from setbacks and failures while staying motivated and focused on achieving your managerial SMART goals. Most importantly, continuous growth unlocks the potential within yourself and your team members.

Conversely, by maintaining a fixed mindset, you risk falling behind and missing opportunities as they arise.

Tips To Improve Your Growth Mindset As A Manager

  • Set a vision for the future
  • Be self-aware
  • Build on your strengths
  • Improve upon your weaknesses
  • Embrace change
  • Seek new challenges
  • Experiment through trial and error
  • Improve emotional intelligence
  • Persist in the face of adversity
  • Focus on progress
  • Celebrate small successes

Okay. That completes my five examples of mindset strategies for managers critical for your success as a new manager in a management role.

Please allow me to wrap up with some concluding thoughts.

Developing A Manager Mindset: Final Thoughts

The transition into management involves thinking differently and attaining new skills. Furthermore, some ways you have succeeded in the past may slow your development as a manager.

As a result, I recommend you step back and put in the hard work to develop a manager’s mindset focused on confidence, positivity, productivity, creativity, and growth. You will excel in a leadership position by mastering skills in these areas.

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Author Bio: Tom Scott founded the consulting and coaching firm Dividends Diversify, LLC. He leverages his expertise and decades of experience in goal setting, relocation assistance, and investing for long-term wealth to help clients reach their full potential.

5 Mindset Strategies Managers Need