9 Powerful Traits That Make an Exceptional Leader

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Understanding The Goals, Habits, Skills, and Traits of Succesful Leaders

I have worked in management roles for 30 years and learned to be an exceptional leader.

In my early years, leadership didn’t come easy for me. However, I discovered how to lead effectively by observing great leaders in action, setting leadership goals, and practicing important habits and skills.

Consequently, I will share what I believe are the nine most important leadership traits every leader must have.

Then, you will know how to become an exceptional leader, too! Let’s get moving.

9 Traits Of Exceptional Leaders

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1. They Practice Active Listening Skills

Exceptional leaders listen effectively.

Most people think about what they will say when someone else is talking. Conversely, good leaders listen closely to the speaker. They take notes, when appropriate, to record and synthesize what they hear.

Think of it this way…

You do not learn anything when you talk. Learning takes place when you actively listen, and leaders learn by listening all the time.

They listen to:

  • Bosses
  • Peers
  • Subordinates
  • External stakeholders
  • Family and friends
  • Mentors

Finally, leaders filter what they hear and separate the facts and good ideas from the fluff and information that does not apply.

Helpful Tips – 10 Leadership SMART Goals for Managers

2. They Know Their Team’s Strengths And Weaknesses

The most effective leaders know their team members inside and out.

Like you and me, every member of your team has strengths and weaknesses. They have things they do well and areas they need to improve upon.

Thus, you need to know each of your team members equally as well as yourself. Then, put each person in a position to succeed by featuring their strengths and looking for ways to augment their weaknesses.

Must read – 10 Ways to Improve Your Leadership Abilities

3. They Are Exceptional Coaches And Mentors

Productive leaders make coaching, mentoring, and training a big priority.

They help each of their team members be the best they can be, thus assisting them accelerate their professional development.

As a manager, I am convinced that investing one hour in mentoring my staff will result in two hours of increased productivity. Thus, training and mentoring save me time in the future and generate bigger and better results for the individual, team, and organization.

Must read – How To Give Leadership Feedback to Employees

4. They Accept Responsibility

Exceptional leaders take responsibility for themselves and their team.

They have their team’s back and never publicly assess blame for a problem or failure. When necessary, they handle difficult matters in private.

Furthermore, any blame that must be placed should start and end at the leadership level. However, taking ultimate responsibility as a leader doesn’t mean absolving your team members of accountability.

Next, let’s address the big elephant in the room: holding people accountable. But, before you continue, PLEASE PIN THIS IMAGE:

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5. They Set Expectations And Goals For Each Team Member

Exceptional leaders ensure that each team member operates to the required standard. They do so by clearly communicating expectations.

Furthermore, they help their employees set goals, and they help them see those goals through to completion.

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6. They Address Their Poor Performers

Impactful leaders ALWAYS proactively address the underperformers on their team. When no amount of coaching and mentoring is enough to bring a poor performer up to the required standard, leaders take action.

From my experience, 20% of my employees cost me 80% of my time. So, I never let the bottom 20% ruin my leadership reputation.

As a result, good leaders cut their losses and move on. They must do so; otherwise, their actions bring down the entire team’s morale.

Nothing loses a team’s respect like a leader who lets one or two employees get away with slacking off. So, when the time comes, leaders must be decisive, clear, kind, firm, and fair.

7. They Lead By Setting A Good Example

Good leaders influence their team members by example.

First, they display hard work, self-discipline, and courage to do the right thing. Furthermore, they never ask anyone to do anything they wouldn’t do themselves.

But understand leadership isn’t about being the first to arrive and the last to leave. Yes, in some situations, that may be required. However, it sends the wrong message.

Instead, emphasize results rather than time on task.

Most importantly, leaders never confuse activity with results. By doing the same, you will rise above the many so-called leaders who only value those who work the longest hours.

Related post 20 Leadership Goal Ideas You Can Try

8. They Display Humble Confidence In Themselves

The best leaders act with humble courage and confidence.

They have a special presence, effective in front of a room and at the head of the table during important meetings. They exhibit poise even when confronted with the toughest situations.

Furthermore, leaders are never arrogant. They check their egos at the door before walking in.

For example, I worked for a very arrogant person for almost 10 years. He was easily the most incompetent leader I have ever known.

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9. They Think Strategically

Great leaders have a firm grasp of the details and an innate ability to see the big picture. They have a strategic future vision for their team and the organization by considering long-term objectives.

This is what I like to say…

“If you can envision it, you can achieve it.”

Thus, leadership means seeing things first and then making those things a reality.

How To Be An Exceptional Leader – Wrap Up

One of my favorite bosses used to say lead, follow, or get out of the way.

So, if you choose to lead, adopt these traits of the most successful leaders:

  1. Listen closely to others
  2. Know your team
  3. Coach, mentor, train
  4. Accept responsibility
  5. Set clear goals
  6. Address poor performance
  7. Set a good example
  8. Display humble confidence
  9. Think strategically

Most importantly, believe you can become an exceptional leader in whatever you choose.

Thanks for reading. Stay hungry and humble, my friend.

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Author Bio: Tom Scott founded the consulting and coaching firm Dividends Diversify, LLC. He leverages his expertise and decades of experience in goal setting, relocation assistance, and investing for long-term wealth to help clients reach their full potential.

Traits That Make Exceptional Leaders