15 Lifelong Learning Examples and Goals to Set Now

What Is Lifelong Learning And Why It’s Important (With Examples)

Today, I would like to highlight some of my favorite lifelong learning examples. Also, some tips for setting your goals for continuous personal development.

Let’s get started…

Lifelong Learning Examples

First of all, for anyone looking to kick start their ongoing learning efforts. Here are 15 examples to get your thoughts flowing…

  1. Learn from life’s lessons
  2. Practice reflection by journaling
  3. Learn to meditate
  4. Improve upon your weaknesses
  5. Become a better listener
  6. Learn a new skill
  7. Further your formal education
  8. Master a foreign language
  9. Learn a musical instrument
  10. Get straight “A’s” in your courses
  11. Adopt a new technology
  12. Join a club or organization
  13. Play a new sport
  14. Find a mentor
  15. Teach a course

We will cover each of these in more detail a little later.

Before we do, I would like to lay in some important background information for you…

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What Is Lifelong Learning?

First of all, adult learning is continuous education focused on long-term personal development.

It generally refers to learning that occurs after an individual completes their formal classroom education requirements.

Furthermore, it often stems from our daily experiences. Also, the learning we experience from choices we make about our life goals. Set to reach our greatest potential.

Finally, it tends to be ongoing, self-motivated and occurs in a variety of places and contexts.

What Is The Importance Of Lifelong Learning?

There are many advantages to having goals for lifelong learning. Making it an important component of our lives.

Specifically, it…

  • Satisfies our curiosities about new things
  • Feeds your unique interests
  • Improves self-confidence
  • Stimulates critical thinking and creativity
  • Prevents mental decline as we age

Types Of Lifelong Learning

There are several types of continuous learning options to choose from.

For example…

Formal education. Yes. This means becoming a student again.

Either by taking a single course or seminar. Attending a conference. Or, by pursuing a degree.

Professional. As long as you continue working. Opportunities for growth in your career field and workplace are amazing ways to learn.

Personal. This type of learning typically takes place outside of the classroom and away from the office.

It can be self-directed. Such as listening to a podcast about a topic that interests you.

Or, informal and spontaneous. As we go about the objectives we set in our lives and interact with friends, family, and others

Lifelong Learning Strategies

The most productive lifelong learners typically use one or more strategies to establish and achieve learning goals. Whether they realize it or not.

Simply put, a strategy is just a way to go about things. It is typically thought about in the context of business strategy.

But, having a strategy can be applied to our lives too. As we seek continuous learning.

Since people learn in different ways. And at different rates. Having a learning strategy is important.

So, think about these examples of lifelong learning strategies. And how you can apply them to setting and achieving your learning goals.

  1. Learning from life experiences
  2. Focusing on new skills
  3. Becoming a student again
  4. Taking action by getting involved

As you pursue one or more of these strategies. Keep a list of things to explore and research. Also, areas of your life that you would like to improve upon.

By doing so, you will create your list of personal goals for continuous learning.

Later, when we go through the learning goals examples, I will explain how the strategies relate to them.

Examples Of Lifelong Learning Skills

To be good at something new, certain skills are typically required.

Thus, lifelong learners possess some or all of these skills, traits, and habits. Specifically, being…

  • Aware of their passions and interests
  • Open to new and different possibilities
  • Able to read for comprehension
  • Good listeners
  • Adept at observation
  • Unafraid of failure

Challenges With The Pursuit Of Lifelong Learning

Setting and achieving lifelong learning goals is an excellent endeavor. However, it’s not without some disadvantages.

Such as…

First, it requires self-motivation, commitment, and self-discipline. Unfortunately, not everyone possesses these important behaviors.

Consider increasing your motivation. By creating a vision board for your goals.

Second, sometimes but not always, there are out-of-pocket costs associated with achieving lifelong learning goals.

Third, learning takes time, work, reflection, and application. Life is busy and there are only 24 hours in a day. Thus, time management and priority setting are required.

Okay. Now you have a good understanding of today’s topic.

So, let’s dive more deeply into the 15 lifelong learning examples that I introduced at the beginning of the article.

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Lifelong Learning Examples And Goals

However, understand that these examples of lifelong learning activities are just a few options for your consideration. So, realize the possibilities are virtually endless.

Learning goals numbered 1 through 4, fall into strategy number 1: learning from one’s life experiences.

1. Learn From Life’s Lessons

Life experiences may be the best teaching lessons of all.

Thus, learn from your successes. And more importantly, learn from your failures.

Because failure isn’t fatal and often opens you up to life’s possibilities to consider.

2. Practice Reflection By Journaling

One of the best ways to learn from life’s lessons is to write in a journal. Every few days, take stock of what has happened in your life.

Ask yourself what went well. Also, what could have gone better?

Then reflect and plan to accentuate the positives. While learning, adapting, and improving upon the negatives.

Because thoughtful journaling is one of the great ways to develop professionally. And, more importantly for lifelong learning, personally too.

3. Learn To Meditate

The mind is like a muscle. The more you use it the stronger it gets.

But, like any other muscle, it needs rest to recover. So, when it’s called upon, it can perform at its best.

As a result, learn to meditate. And learn how to quiet your mind.

4. Improve Upon Your Weaknesses

Take stock of your weaknesses because we all have them. Identify one or more that cause you the most trouble.

Then go about turning your weaknesses into strengths.

Next up, learning goals examples 5 and 6 pertain to strategy number 2: focus on skills.

5. Become A Better Listener

Consider setting a learning goal to become a better listener. Here’s why…

We learn very little when we are talking. But, by listening closely, we can learn a lot.

6. Learn A New Skill

Simply identify a skill you do not currently possess. And set off to master it.

The skill can apply to your professional life. Or, your personal life. It makes no difference.

Once again, the possibilities are endless. For example purposes, here’s a new skill you can learn: it is an interesting goal-setting method.

Continuing, learning goals 7 through 10 apply to strategy 3: becoming a student again. Either formally with a professional teacher, or self-taught.

7. Further Your Formal Education

Head back to the classroom. Be it a seminar or a conference.

Or go all in. And get that additional degree you always wanted.

Formal education is an excellent way to learn new things. Also, for improving your resume.

8. Master A Foreign Language

I admire bi-lingual people. And learning a new language is an amazing way to expand your horizons and challenge your mind.

9. Learn A Musical Instrument

I look at learning a musical instrument in the same way as a foreign language. It’s a big task. Especially as we age, it becomes more difficult to learn a new instrument.

But doing so is very rewarding. By pursuing something in the arts.

10. Get Straight “A’s” In Your Courses

For current students reading this. Or, for those who will go on to continue their formal education.

Make a learning goal to get all “A’s”. Learn everything you can from the classroom. Because there is great satisfaction in the accomplishment.

Finally, learning goals examples 11 through 15 apply to strategy 4: take action and get involved.

11. Adopt A New Technology

More and more, technology is a big part of our lives. Both personally and professionally.

So, identify a system, tool, or app that you would like to learn. And adopt it into your technology routine.

For example, if you want to streamline and better organize your finances. Try the free online tool from Personal Capital.

It consolidates your spending, budget, and investments in one place.

Think of it this way. You can adopt new technology as part of your learning goals.

Then use that technology to achieve other types of goals. In this case, one of your personal finance goals.

12. Join A Club Or Organization

There are many opportunities to join clubs and organizations.

Book clubs, investment clubs, and civic organizations come to mind immediately. For personal benefits.

As well as professional organizations that relate to your current field. Or, better yet, a different field you are interested in exploring.

13. Play A New Sport

Decide on your athletic interest. Then join a team. Or, take lessons.

You get double the benefit here. Because moderate exercise and physical fitness will stimulate your mind.

14. Find A Mentor

Identify people who have done whatever it is you want to do. Surround yourself we these types.

Then pick their brains and listen closely to what they say whenever you can.

15. Teach A Course

Teaching one or more courses is a great way to learn. Because no matter how well you know a subject. It’s different knowing it versus teaching it to someone who doesn’t.

Because teaching requires breaking your knowledge down into its most fundamental building blocks. Then communicating those fundamentals carefully and clearly.

Finally, teaching helps in the development of your leadership abilities. Most importantly, it’s never too late in life to improve your leadership skills. Be it at home, in the office, or in the classroom.

Okay. That wraps up a brief review of today’s lifelong learning goals and examples.

Pick one or more of these to work on. Or, develop your own. Then get busy.

Finally, allow me to wrap up with a few concluding comments…

Lifelong Learning: Definition, Importance, Types, Strategies, Pros, Cons, And Examples Fully Explained

If you want to be a productive lifelong learner…

First, understand what lifelong learning means.

Second, pick the types of learning and strategies that work best for you.

Third, select one or more lifelong learning goals that fit with your personal development or professional development interests. In addition, here are some tips on goal setting if you need them.

Finally, get busy today working on and achieving your learning goal(s).

More Reading About Goals And Goal Setting

Ready for more? Then check out our archive of articles about…

Life, Work, Money, and Business

Many of the articles focus on goal setting, problem-solving, and much more. To help you reach your full potential.

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The conclusion is written on a whiteboard

Author Bio: Tom Scott founded the consulting and coaching firm Dividends Diversify, LLC. He leverages his expertise and decades of experience in goal setting, relocation assistance, and investing for long-term wealth to help clients reach their full potential.

Get Moving On Your Lifelong Learning Examples And Goals